Bertalu-talu orang bertanya berkenaan skim perniagaan Infinity Downline dan ada juga yang menamakannya dengan ‘Login Facebook dapat RM100 hari-hari'. Sebenarnya saya amat skeptic dengan skim-skim sebegini malah amat muak lagi jemu untuk menelitinya kerana pada kebiasaannya hasil penelitian akan menunjukkan semua itu adalah sama sahaja cuma diubah sedikit di sana dan sedikit di sini. Oleh kerana itu, saya tidak dapat menyembunyikan perasaan bimbang melihat betapa mudahnya umat Islam di Malaysia dikelirukan dengan skim seperti ini, padahal telah berkali-kali dijelaskan konsep dan asas untuk menilai halal dan haram dalam skim sebegini.
Padahal, helah pihak-pihak penganjur skim tersebut amat jelas dan terang. Pun begitu mereka masih mampu mengelirukan umat Islam kita. Saya berdoa agar kita semua mampu lebih rajin untuk berfikir dan lebih cekap dalam memperbezakan antara skim-skim sampah dan emas permata.
Bagi menunaikan amanah Allah, selaku khalifah Allah di atas muka bumi, untuk menyeru kepada kebaikan, melarang kemungkaran, saya berusaha untuk mencari celah-celah waktu yang ada untuk diwaqafkan kepada umat Islam bagi menyediakan jawapan bagi soalan skim Infinity Downline yang ditanyakan ini.
Beberapa perkara perlu dikaji dalam hal ini dan saya akan nyatakan secara ringkas findings dan pandangan saya. Oleh kerana skim ini menawarkan sesuatu yang agak mudah, maka tidak sukar untuk memahaminya. Secara ringkas dan padat adalah seperti berikut:-
1. Latar belakang syarikat dan web
Menyemak website utama Infinity Downline (selepas ini digunakan singkatan ID) melalui ‘whois', seorang pengkaji persendirian mendapati, web ini tidak menyertakan info yang mencukupi tentang pemiliknya. Berikut adalah hasil kajiannya.
Domain "Whois"
The Whois information for a website lists the owner and their contact information. The owner of "Infinity Downline" has purposely made their Whois information private. While not always a bad thing, this could mean they have something to hide. (rujuk
Meneliti web utama ID juga menunjukkan kita tidak mempunyai sebarang akses kepada nama pencipta dan pengurusan penuh syarikat ID, malah sebarang komunikasi juga hanya melalui kotak khas soalan yang disediakan. Ini jelas ciri sebuah skim cepat kaya yang sentiasa berjaga-jaga dari mendedahkan identiti kepada pihak berkuasa.
Penilaian saya: Ia jelas satu unsur gharar yang menjadikan skim ini haram pada pandangan Islam. Manakan tidak, sekiranya web tersebut ditiadakan, semua sistem yang digunapakai oleh ahli dalam menyemak bayaran dan lain-lainnya turut hilang. Justeru mendedahkan diri kepada situasi perniagaan sedemikian adalah ditegah di dalam Islam.
Bagi pihak yang mempertikaian hujjah ini, sedarilah hujjah utama saya bukan isu pada kredibiliti whois atau selainnya tetapi adalah web sendiri yang tidak mempunyai sebarang pengenalan syarikat yang mencukupi. Semuanya syarikat 'sampah' yang bersedia menghilangkan diri apabila sampai waktu.
Jika sesiapa merasakan kesimpulan saya dalam hal keraguan latarbelakang syarikat itu salah, saya amat hargai jika anda dapat memberikan nama pengurusan lengkap dan nombor lesen syarikat di Malaysia dan USA serta pejabat dan nombor telefon land line yang valid untuk dihubungi serta (bukan seperti maklumat contact yang ada pada web tersebut, yang mana kita perlu meninggalkan info untuk dihubungi mereka). Selain itu, jangan lupa berikan link dan bukti bahawa info yang diberi itu sahih dan berdaftar dengan pihak berkuasa di negara terbabit. Tanpa semua itu, whois atau tidak tidak penting, yang penting semua info tadi TIDAK WUJUD!. Itu point utama saya, jika ingin berhujjah, sila matikan hujjah saya yang pokok bukan yang ranting.
2. Asal dan perkembangan syarikat
Memang benar, kelihatan sistem ini berasal dari USA. Statistic juga menunjukkan peratusan teramai pelawat ke web ID datangnya dari USA, diikuti dengan negara yang dipenuhi oleh pecinta skim cepat kaya iaitu Malaysia.
Justeru dengan fakta ini, jelas skim ini memang sedang mendapat tempat di kalangan ramai di seluruh dunia, sehingga jika dicari berkenaannya di google dan yahoo, majoritinya memuja memuji system ini sebagai sistem termudah mendapatkan duit.
Penilaian saya : Tahap tersebar skim ini di seluruh dunia menunjukkan tanda positif tetapi ia sama sekali tidak menunjukkan bahawa ia halal di sisi Islam. Skim cepat kaya Bernard Mardoff yang bernilai USD 5 billion lebih kelihatan reliable, tetapi ia tetap scam dan sebuah skim cepat kaya apabila ia tidak berniaga barangan sebenar dan hanya memusing-musingkan kentungan dari orang bawah yang baru masuk kepada orang atas sistem piramidnya.
Justeru, pertumbuhan skim ini tidak memberi sebarang impak positif kepada penilaian hukum. Namun ia juga tidak memberikan impak negatif kepadanya. Oleh itu, penilaian hukum terletak kepada aspek-aspek lain dan perkembangannya di seluruh dunia dan disertai ramai TIDAK SAMA SEKALI boleh membuktikan ia adalah sebuah system yang halal di sudut hukum Islam, dan tidak juga mampu membuktikan ia legitimate di sisi undang-undang.
3. Produk yang dijual
Sebagaimana dimaklumkan di web mereka, produknya adalah berupa ratusan e-book, audio dan video training untuk belajar menggunakan software tertentu seperti vista, microsoft, excel dan lain-lain. Berikut senarainya audio :
Outsourcers Bible
Easy Niche Riches
Profitable Web Site
Finding a Lawyer
Cyber Law
Grant Writing
Guerilla Marketing Tactics
Business Card Marketing Tactics
All About Acne
Patent Pending
Bedroom To Boardroom
Profit From Public Domain Data
Internet Finacing
Mentor Fortunes
Investing In You
Time Management
Marketing Moms
Wealth Building Secrets
Virtual Plastic
Article Marketing
Hiring and Retaining Good Employees
Life After Stroke Male Part
Life After Stroke Female
Leveraging Public Data
Home Seller Power Tips
Website Supernova Audio
You and Your Tattoo
Convert Docs To PDF
Blogging Your Way To Business Success
Internet Marketing Mindset
Viral Marketing
Social Bookmarking Secrets
SEO Cash Cow
Change Your Mind
eBay Marketing
How To Promote
Membership Site Call
Mastermind Recordings Marshall
Mastermind Recordings Marc Goldman
Mastermind Recordings Kacper
Mastermind Recordings Gislason
Instant Bestseller
Profitable Forex Trading
Extreme Persuassion Strategie
Customer Tested Buying Triggers
Explosive Influence Tactics
Clever Profit Generating Insights
Blockbuster Cash Secrets
Covert Product Selling Principles
Breakthrough Sales Solutions
Amazing Advertising Tips
Boot Camp
Million Dollar Copy
Internet Made Easy
How To Buy Into Success
Portal Profits
Business Metamorphosis
Getting Away From The Hype
IT for Small and Home Based Businesses
Skip The Mistakes To Success
Easy Money Interviews
Big Seminar Interview Atlanta 2004 Stephen Pierce
Big Seminar Interview Atlanta 2004 Shawn Casey
Big Seminar Interview Atlanta 2004 Mike Stewart
Big Seminar Interview Atlanta 2004 Mike Litman
Big Seminar Interview Atlanta 2004 Linda Forsythe
Big Seminar Interview Atlanta 2004 John Childers
Big Seminar Interview Atlanta 2004 Joe Polish
Big Seminar Interview Atlanta 2004 JJ Childers
Big Seminar Interview Atlanta 2004 Atlanta 2005 Harv Ekers
Big Seminar Interview Atlanta 2004 Armand Morin
Big Seminar Interview Atlanta 2004 Alex Mandossian
Easy Niche Riches
Profitable Web Site
Finding a Lawyer
Cyber Law
Grant Writing
Guerilla Marketing Tactics
Business Card Marketing Tactics
All About Acne
Patent Pending
Bedroom To Boardroom
Profit From Public Domain Data
Internet Finacing
Mentor Fortunes
Investing In You
Time Management
Marketing Moms
Wealth Building Secrets
Virtual Plastic
Article Marketing
Hiring and Retaining Good Employees
Life After Stroke Male Part
Life After Stroke Female
Leveraging Public Data
Home Seller Power Tips
Website Supernova Audio
You and Your Tattoo
Convert Docs To PDF
Blogging Your Way To Business Success
Internet Marketing Mindset
Viral Marketing
Social Bookmarking Secrets
SEO Cash Cow
Change Your Mind
eBay Marketing
How To Promote
Membership Site Call
Mastermind Recordings Marshall
Mastermind Recordings Marc Goldman
Mastermind Recordings Kacper
Mastermind Recordings Gislason
Instant Bestseller
Profitable Forex Trading
Extreme Persuassion Strategie
Customer Tested Buying Triggers
Explosive Influence Tactics
Clever Profit Generating Insights
Blockbuster Cash Secrets
Covert Product Selling Principles
Breakthrough Sales Solutions
Amazing Advertising Tips
Boot Camp
Million Dollar Copy
Internet Made Easy
How To Buy Into Success
Portal Profits
Business Metamorphosis
Getting Away From The Hype
IT for Small and Home Based Businesses
Skip The Mistakes To Success
Easy Money Interviews
Big Seminar Interview Atlanta 2004 Stephen Pierce
Big Seminar Interview Atlanta 2004 Shawn Casey
Big Seminar Interview Atlanta 2004 Mike Stewart
Big Seminar Interview Atlanta 2004 Mike Litman
Big Seminar Interview Atlanta 2004 Linda Forsythe
Big Seminar Interview Atlanta 2004 John Childers
Big Seminar Interview Atlanta 2004 Joe Polish
Big Seminar Interview Atlanta 2004 JJ Childers
Big Seminar Interview Atlanta 2004 Atlanta 2005 Harv Ekers
Big Seminar Interview Atlanta 2004 Armand Morin
Big Seminar Interview Atlanta 2004 Alex Mandossian
Beikurt pula senarai videonya :-
Affiliate Marketing 101
An introduction To Affiliate marketing 10 min 06 sec
Affiliate Networks & Product Selection 22 min 30 sec
Creating Your Site- continued 19 min 49 sec
Marketing Your Site 19 min 36 sec
More About Marketing & Closing Thoughts 9 min 21 sec
Camtasia Training Series
Introduction To Camtasia 7 min 23 sec
Producing Your Camtasia Video 19 min 25 sec
Recording And Editing Your Camtasia Video 7 min 56 sec
More About Editing Part 1 7 min 00 sec
More About Editing Part 2 7 min 47 sec
Creating a Camtasia Theater Project 8 min 03 sec
Drupal Training Series
How To Install Drupal 11 min 30 sec
Setting Up Drupal 12 min 42 sec
Site Building Options 20 min 27 sec
Adding Content & Managing Site Navigation 13 min 50 sec
Organizing Content 25 min 20 sec
Even More Setup 18 min 03 sec
Adding Modules For Improved Functionality 24 min 52 sec
Setting Meta Tags 13 min 51 sec
Exit Traffic Negotiator Installation
Install, Setup & Use Exit Traffic Negotiator On Your Web Page 16 min 46 bsec
Firefox 2 Training Series
Firefox Installing Firefox 5 min 3o sec
Firefox Blue Ice 5 min 10 sec
Firefox Bookmarks Manager 4 min 46 sec
Firefox Browsing History 7 min 41 sec
Firefox Clear Private Data 4 min 59 sec
Firefox Browsing History 7 min 41 sec
Firefox Download Manager 7 min 33 sec
Firefox Error Console 4 min 00 sec
download files 12 min 13
info bar 11 min 42
Karen's Cookie Viewer 7 min 28
keep updated 13 min 23
manage addons 7 min 10
phishing filter 11 min 17
pop up blocker 13 min 29
secure transactions 7 min 23
security overview 10 min 06
security zones 11 min 17
software explorer 13 min 41
spysweeper introduction 6 min 36
spyware malware 8 min 23
stop script errors 2 min 06
temporary internet folder 10 min 36
understanding certificates 18 min 31
windows defender introduction 11 min 05
Joomla Training Series
Installation 18 min 00 sec
Setup Joomla Site 17 min 49 sec
More Setup Options 24 min 28 sec
Create The Site 15 min 23 sec
Setup The Site 23 min 25 sec
Setup Contnued 13 min 22 sec
Inside The Site 18 min 46 sec
Microsoft Access Training Series
Access ACCDE Databases 1 min 52 sec
Access Email Updates 3 min 59 sec
Access File Format 1 min 45 sec
Access Layout View 2 min 32 sec
Access Navigation Pane 2 min 41 sec
Access New UI 5 min 10 sec
Access Password Security 2 min 43 sec
Access Navigation Pane 2 min 41 sec
Access Access Prebuilt Solutions 4 min 03 sec
Access Report Design 2 min 15 sec
Access View Toolbar 2 min 27 sec
Microsoft Excel Training Series
Excel Cell Types 3 min 20 sec
Excel Charting 4 min 18 sec
Excel Conditional Formating 4 min 44 sec
Excel Headers Footers 2 min 03 sec
Excel New File Format 8 min 51 sec
Excel New Interface 8 min 01 sec
Excel Pivot Tables 6 min 20 sec
Excel Shapes WordArt 3 min 09 sec
Excel Templates 3 min 44 sec
Excel Themes 3 min 20 sec
Microsoft Office Training Series
MSOffice versions 4 min 41 sec
MSOffice Upgrading From A Previous Version 6 min 14 sec
An introduction To Affiliate marketing 10 min 06 sec
Affiliate Networks & Product Selection 22 min 30 sec
Creating Your Site- continued 19 min 49 sec
Marketing Your Site 19 min 36 sec
More About Marketing & Closing Thoughts 9 min 21 sec
Camtasia Training Series
Introduction To Camtasia 7 min 23 sec
Producing Your Camtasia Video 19 min 25 sec
Recording And Editing Your Camtasia Video 7 min 56 sec
More About Editing Part 1 7 min 00 sec
More About Editing Part 2 7 min 47 sec
Creating a Camtasia Theater Project 8 min 03 sec
Drupal Training Series
How To Install Drupal 11 min 30 sec
Setting Up Drupal 12 min 42 sec
Site Building Options 20 min 27 sec
Adding Content & Managing Site Navigation 13 min 50 sec
Organizing Content 25 min 20 sec
Even More Setup 18 min 03 sec
Adding Modules For Improved Functionality 24 min 52 sec
Setting Meta Tags 13 min 51 sec
Exit Traffic Negotiator Installation
Install, Setup & Use Exit Traffic Negotiator On Your Web Page 16 min 46 bsec
Firefox 2 Training Series
Firefox Installing Firefox 5 min 3o sec
Firefox Blue Ice 5 min 10 sec
Firefox Bookmarks Manager 4 min 46 sec
Firefox Browsing History 7 min 41 sec
Firefox Clear Private Data 4 min 59 sec
Firefox Browsing History 7 min 41 sec
Firefox Download Manager 7 min 33 sec
Firefox Error Console 4 min 00 sec
download files 12 min 13
info bar 11 min 42
Karen's Cookie Viewer 7 min 28
keep updated 13 min 23
manage addons 7 min 10
phishing filter 11 min 17
pop up blocker 13 min 29
secure transactions 7 min 23
security overview 10 min 06
security zones 11 min 17
software explorer 13 min 41
spysweeper introduction 6 min 36
spyware malware 8 min 23
stop script errors 2 min 06
temporary internet folder 10 min 36
understanding certificates 18 min 31
windows defender introduction 11 min 05
Joomla Training Series
Installation 18 min 00 sec
Setup Joomla Site 17 min 49 sec
More Setup Options 24 min 28 sec
Create The Site 15 min 23 sec
Setup The Site 23 min 25 sec
Setup Contnued 13 min 22 sec
Inside The Site 18 min 46 sec
Microsoft Access Training Series
Access ACCDE Databases 1 min 52 sec
Access Email Updates 3 min 59 sec
Access File Format 1 min 45 sec
Access Layout View 2 min 32 sec
Access Navigation Pane 2 min 41 sec
Access New UI 5 min 10 sec
Access Password Security 2 min 43 sec
Access Navigation Pane 2 min 41 sec
Access Access Prebuilt Solutions 4 min 03 sec
Access Report Design 2 min 15 sec
Access View Toolbar 2 min 27 sec
Microsoft Excel Training Series
Excel Cell Types 3 min 20 sec
Excel Charting 4 min 18 sec
Excel Conditional Formating 4 min 44 sec
Excel Headers Footers 2 min 03 sec
Excel New File Format 8 min 51 sec
Excel New Interface 8 min 01 sec
Excel Pivot Tables 6 min 20 sec
Excel Shapes WordArt 3 min 09 sec
Excel Templates 3 min 44 sec
Excel Themes 3 min 20 sec
Microsoft Office Training Series
MSOffice versions 4 min 41 sec
MSOffice Upgrading From A Previous Version 6 min 14 sec
Begitulah beberapa petikan produknya yang boleh diperolehi dengan hanya USD25 atau RM 100. Sekali pandang ia kelihatan cukup baik, namun apabila diteliti tajuk-tajuk tertentu dalam senarai audio, ia jelas agak banyak tajuk yang dijual berkait hal yang dilarang di dalam Islam, malah majoritinya tidak dapat dipastikan kandungannya sama ada halal atau haram seperti tajuk "forex trading"-
Forex trading terlalu banyak bercampur aduk dengan yang haram, manakala tajuk tatoo, bedroom, bible etc secara tidak langsung memberi kekeliruan terhadap kandungannya, walaupun telah dimaklumkan bahawa isinya berlainan, ia tetap membawa syubhat yang besar sama ada pada tajuk itu sendiri atau teknik-teknik perniagaan di dalamnya yang tidak sama sekali mengambil kira displin perniagaan Islam. Tambahan pula kebanyakan tajuknya TIDAK MENARIK lagi TIDAK DIPERLUKAN oleh majoriti peserta.
Namun begitu, itu bukanlah isu utama masalahnya dalam hujjah ini. Hujjah utamanya adalah produk ini hanyalah sebagai alat untuk mengabui mata pihak berkuasa dan peserta, kononnya mereka menjual produk, sedangkan produk yang dijual tidak mempunyai sebarang kualiti khas, malah semua kaedah dan tatacara pengunaan itu boleh dengan mudah diperolehi secara percuma di internet. Justeru itu, produk seperti ini jelas adalah satu produk tanpa nilai seperti 'sampah' yang dihias bagi mencantikkan gambaran skim sahaja.
Selain itu, semua produk yang dibeli orang peserta TIDAK boleh diketahui isinya dengan jelas ( khususnya bagi tajuk-tajuk yang terlalu umum dan tidak direct to the content) kecuali setelah menyertainya. Ketika itu unsurgharar sekali lagi muncul dalam skim ini. Walaupun unsur ini semata tidak cukup kuat untuk menjatuhkan skim ini kepada HARAM, namun gabungannya dengan pelbagai isu dan masalah lain yang disebut dalam artikel ini, menyebabkan ia jatuh dalam sebuah skim perjudian dan juga riba.
Saya juga yakin majoriti yang memasuki system ini TIDAK SAMA SEKALI inginkan produk itu, malah tidak memanfaatkan produk yang diperolehi itu. Malah mereka hanya baru ingin mengetahui dan membuka isi produk yang mereka miliki setelah artikel ini mensasarkan masalah pada produk. Sebenarnya apa yang diingini adalahsystem reverse 2 up yang diwarwarkan membolehkan peserta memperolehi modal USD 25 dengan hanya seorangdowline, selanjutnya selaku upline mereka akan memperolehi komisyen yang merupakan keuntungan demi keuntungan.
Meneliti promosi-promosi dari ahli-ahli ID, amat jelas memperlihatkan niat dan kecenderungan mereka adalah untuk bergiat dalam system money game dan bukannya berusaha mempromosikan produk-produk tanpa kualiti mereka. Ini jelas apabila sistem komisyen lebih diutamakan dalam promosi berbanding produk. Produk-produk mereka tiada kualiti khusus kerana hampir kesemua tajuk pada produk itu boleh didapati secara percuma sama ada dari youtube, google search dan sebagainya.
Ada yang bertanya dan berhujjah bahawa produk itu walaupun kelihatan tidak berguna dan mudah diperolehi secara percuma. Namun seperti tayar buruk, ia mungkin tidak berguna bagi sesetengah orang namun ia berguna bagi sesetengah yang lain, lalu adakah wajar saya mengelarkan sebagai ‘sampah' atau tidak.
Untuk memahami guna atau tidak gunanya sesebuah produk, fahamkan kaedah fiqhiyah ini " al-Ibratu lil Ghalib as-Sya'i La Lin Nadir" (Ertinya : Pengajaran dan pengiktibaran dalam sandaran sesebuah hukum adalah apa yang diamal atau ditanggap oleh majoriti bukan bagi tanggapan terpencil)
Kes 'sampah' yang saya sebutkan membawa dua maksud iaitu sama ada :-
Kes 'sampah' yang saya sebutkan membawa dua maksud iaitu sama ada :-
1) Produk itu memang tidak ada nilai dan kualiti yang khusus, untuk dijual beli sehingga bertingkat-tingkat dan melibatkan beribu-beribu orang manusia membeli dan menjualkan berulang kali. Hanya sekadar ia sebuah kompilasi tidak cukup menjadikan ia sebegitu digilai oleh ramai orang. Hakikatnya, sistemnya yang digilai bukan produknya.
2) Produk itu tidak sekalipun akan digunakan oleh peserta (iaitu berdasarkan tinjauan majoriti dan promosi ahli-ahli mereka), ia dikendalikan seperti 'sampah' (yang tidak terpakai dan tidak digunakan), ia sekadar mencukupkan syarat untuk menyertai sistem money game, piramid yang haram kerana judi, gharar dan riba. Atas dasar itu MEMANG PRODUK itu bernilai sampah, adakala berguna tetapi tidak utama, atau dilayan oleh peserta seperti sampah yang tidak utama dalam pergerakan dan promosi mereka.
4. Plan pembayaran komisyen ( compensation plan)
Perkara pertama yang perlu difahami, apabila sesuatu sistem atau skim upahnya tidak disandarkan kepada nilai jualan barangan atau produk, ia adalah tanda awal ia merupakan sistem piramid, head hunting atau money game.
Seperti yang disebut di atas, skim ini menggunakan system reverse 2 up. Sedikit penerangannya boleh dilihat dalam video yang disertakan ini .
Yang difahami darinya :
· Dengan modal : RM100 ( 25 USD)
· Setiap tajaan ahli 1 dan 3 (POWERLINE) kecuali kaki ke-2 dan ke-4 akan diperolehi oleh upline ( iaitu RM100 terus ke akaun upline)
· Bermakna, setiap kaki 2 dan 4 dari POWERLINE, RM100 setiap seorang akan terus dimasukkan ke dalam akaun
· Perkara ini berlanjutan hingga infiniti (melintang dan menegak)
CONTOH ; Seseorang menaja 4 orang A,B,C,D, maka (B) DGN (D) BERI KE UPLINE. Manakala (A) DAN (D) SEHINGGA Z (atau berapa sekalipun peserta yang punya..hanya 2 sahaja diberi kepada upline..dan 2 tadi akan melahir kan 4 untuk layak berniaga.Sekiranya seseorang itu menaja atau mencari 10 orang ahli (=mangsa) ( ini diambil dari facebook ID , jika salah mereka yang salah)
Level 1 - 10 Rakan Niaga = 100% * RM90 * 10 = RM900
Level 2 - 100 Rakan Niaga = 100% * RM90 * 100 = RM900
Level 3 - 1000 Rakan Niaga = 100% * RM90 * 1000 = RM90,00
Level 4 - 10000 Rakan Niaga = 100% * RM90 * 10000 = RM900,000
Level 5 - 100000 Rakan Niaga = 100% * RM90 * 100000 = RM81,000,000
Level 1 - 10 Rakan Niaga = 100% * RM90 * 10 = RM900
Level 2 - 100 Rakan Niaga = 100% * RM90 * 100 = RM900
Level 3 - 1000 Rakan Niaga = 100% * RM90 * 1000 = RM90,00
Level 4 - 10000 Rakan Niaga = 100% * RM90 * 10000 = RM900,000
Level 5 - 100000 Rakan Niaga = 100% * RM90 * 100000 = RM81,000,000
Itulah angan-angan peserta skim mat jenin, seolah begitu mudah untuk mencapai level 5. Atau berikut cara kiraan lebih detail yang disiar di web infinity downline sendiri
Let's say that everyone only gets 4 people their first week and duplicates...
Week 1
You get your 4, you pass 2 of them upline.
You keep 2. So 2 X $25 = $50
You get your 4, you pass 2 of them upline.
You keep 2. So 2 X $25 = $50
Week 2
Your 2 get their 4.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 4.
So 4 X $25 = $100
*Add to that the people from the prior week rolling to this week
Your 2 get their 4.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 4.
So 4 X $25 = $100
*Add to that the people from the prior week rolling to this week
Week 3
Your 4 get their 4.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 8.
So 8 X $25 = $200
*Add to that the people from the prior week rolling to this week
Your 4 get their 4.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 8.
So 8 X $25 = $200
*Add to that the people from the prior week rolling to this week
Week 4
Your 8 get their 4.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 16.
So 16 X $25 = $400
*Add to that the people from the prior week rolling to this week
Your 8 get their 4.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 16.
So 16 X $25 = $400
*Add to that the people from the prior week rolling to this week
Week 5
Your 16 get their 4.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 32.
So 32 X $25 = $800
*Add to that the people from the prior week rolling to this week
Your 16 get their 4.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 32.
So 32 X $25 = $800
*Add to that the people from the prior week rolling to this week
Week 6
Your 32 get their 4.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 64.
So 64 X $25 = $1600
*Add to that the people from the prior week rolling to this week
Your 32 get their 4.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 64.
So 64 X $25 = $1600
*Add to that the people from the prior week rolling to this week
Let's skip to week 10...
Week 10
Your 512 get their 4.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 1024.
So 1024 X $25 = $25,600
*Add to that the people from the prior week rolling to this week
Your 512 get their 4.
Of course 2 each are passed up to you for a total of 1024.
So 1024 X $25 = $25,600
*Add to that the people from the prior week rolling to this week
Dalam web mereka sendiri, sama sekali tidak menceritakan kelebihan produk yang dimiliki. Tarikan bukan pada produk tapi pada kiraan komisyen di atas. Sebagaimana yang telah saya sebut dalam artikel MLM yang terdahulu, apabila yuran keahlian dijadikan sandaran komisyen dan segala komisyen itu juga bukan sebuah keuntungan hasil kontrak jual beli produk yang unik dengan kualitinya. Ia jelas sebuah system yang diharamkan di sisi Islam.
Ini adalah petikan dari kempen sana sini upline ID (rujuk facebook mereka) :
Kita akan terus-menerus dapat setiap bulan selagi downline maintain bayar USD25 tiap-tiap bulan. Paling best 100% bila anda menaja 1orang SYARIKAT TIDAK AMBIL APA-APA best program affiliate -INFINITY DOWNLINE ni.
Ini jelas satu lagi unsur haram, modal yang diwarwarkan sebenarnya bukan lagi USD 25 seumur hidup, rupanya adalah USD 25 sebulan!. Sedangkan produk yang telkah dibeli dahulu pun tidak gunakan, apatah lagi produk bulan depan yang belum pasti akan diupdate oleh syarikat atau tidak. Jika syarikat belum mengemaskinikan produknya, malah tidak disebut secara jelas, manakah produk baru pada tiap-tiap awal bulan, maka atas apakah bayaran USD 25 itu dibuat? Sekadar untuk memastikan upline layak mendapat komisyen orang downline?. Jika itulah senarionya, ia JELAS Riba malah juga mempunyai unsur perjudian.
Perjudian semakin jelas apabila, kegagalan ahli maintain USD 25 setiap bulan akan menyebabkan dirinya terkeluar dari kaki dan tidak lagi layak menerima komisyen orang bawah, kini dirinya dianggap orang baru di bawah sistem kaki tersebut setelah pendaftaran dan pembayaran semula dibuat.
Penilaian saya:
Menurut pandangan saya, sistem komisyen dalam skim ID ini jatuh dalam bentuk riba. Ini adalah kerana apabila produk tidak lagi menjadi ukuran dan fokus, bayaran yuran yang diberikan hanyalah sebagai jalan untuk meraih wang tunai yang lebih banyak pada masa hadapan melalui system ini. Hal ini dijalankan melalui system system reverse 2 up.
Ia merupakan satu bentuk Riba Nasiah dan juga Riba Al-Fadl. Hal yang sama juga hukumnya bagi perusahaan mana-mana skim MLM atau affiliate yang tidak mempunyai produk bersungguh dan berkualiti, sebaliknya produk miliknya seperti ruangan laman web yang tidak berfaedah buat kebanyakkan orang, ebook , video, audio yang tidak relevan kepada pengguna khussunya yang tidak mahir bahasa Inggeris (bagi kes ID semua produk sampahnya di dalam bahasa Inggeris), atau apa jua produk yang hanya dijadikan sebagai alasan pembelian.
Ini jelas, pada hakikatnya, ahli bukannya ingin membeli produk itu, tetapi untuk menyertai rangkaian serta memperolehi wang darinya. Ia juga termasuk dalam yang diharamkan. Hal membeli produk tidak benar dengan niat utama memasuki rangkaian dan mendapat untung dari rangkaian ini telah difatwakan haram oleh Majlis Fatwa Al-Lajnah Ad-Daimah Arab Saudi no 15/192-193.
Sebagaimana juga disebut di atas, ia juga mempunyai unsur judi melalui yuran bulanan peserta. Yuran ini mendedahkan peserta kepada dua kemungkinan iaitu RUGI (= kalah), atau terus mendapat komisyen lumayan dari downline ( = Menang judi).
Tidak dinafikan sistem komisyen ini boleh menghasilkan wang dan duit yang banyak kepada upliner khususnya apabila masih belum ramai yang menyertainya, namun itu bukanlah fokus artikel ini ditulis.
Tulisan ini memfokuskan kepada sama ada wang yang boleh diperolehi itu merupakan sumber dan cara yang menepati hukum Syariah atau tidak, dan ternyata ia TIDAK PATUH kepada undang-undang muamalat Islam.
1) Latarbelakang syarikat ID diragui dan bermasalah.
2) Produk ID adalah tiruan, tidak punyai nilai sebenar, bercampur intipati yang haram dan tidak diperlukan oleh majority ahli. Ini menjadikan penyertaan ke skim ID adalah kerana inginkan pulangan melalui system reverse 2 up.
3) Akibat produk tidak berkualiti, tidak relevan dan yang dipromosi adalah lebih kepada sistem komisyen, setiap yuran yang dibayar adalah dengan niat dan hasrat untuk mendapat lebih banyak keuntungan tanpa sebarang jual beli sebenar, tatkala itu riba al-Fadl dan An-Nasiah berlaku. Ini adalah kerana komisyen disandar kepada yuran dan bukan jualan produk.
4) Yuran bulanan USD 25 menjatuhkan ia di dalam unsur maysir atau perjudian.
Oleh itu, menurut penelitian saya, umat Islam MESTI DIHARAMKAN dari menyertai system ini. Sebarang promosi dan membiarkan promosinya betapak di web atau facebook anda juga adalah diharamkan di dalam Islam atas asas larangan bantu membantu dalam perkara maksiat dan dosa.
Adalah diharapkan umat Islam khususnya bangkit dari tidur dan mimpi untuk mendapatkan untung tanpa usaha yang setimpal. Dalam Islam setiap keuntungan mestilah bersumber dari penjualan sesuatu aset atau dari usaha sebenar terhadap sesuatu aset, bukan hanya untung atas angin secara goyang kaki atas penyertaan orang ke dalam sesuatu sistem pyramid.
Semoga kita semua diberi pembukaan hati dan minda untuk tidak menyertai, berhenti dan menyedarkan yang lain. Namun sekali terjebak, kegilaan kepada wang, harta serta sistem cepat kaya adalah ibarat arak yang memabukkan, tidak mudah menyedarkan mereka tatkala sedang mabuk, peluang dan ruang untuk yang menasihat dicerca adalah besar, demikianlah tabiat orang mabuk apabila dinasihat. Justeru bersabar kalian dalam menasihati mereka, semoga mereka lekas sedar dan sempat diselamatkan sebelum kemalangan berlaku.
Akhir sekali, tulisan ini bukanlah sebuah fatwa, ia hanya nasihat dan pandangan. Jika ada yang tidak bersetuju dengannya, terpulang kepada saudara dan saudari untuk menolaknya. Tiada sesiapa yang memaksa untuk menerimanya. NIat saya hanyalah untuk mebantu dan menyelamatkan kita semua dari murka Allah. Justeru tidak perlu untuk mencaci maki di web ini.
Ada yang menghantar email kepada saya bertanya tentang cara berhenti dan taubat. Ini jawapan ringkasnya. Jalannya adalah berhenti, sedarkan dowline juga dan semua komisyen yang masih lagi masuk disalurkan kepada faqir miskin. Modal sendiri boleh ambil semula.
Taubat boleh dibuat dgn menunaikan solat taubat sebanyak 2 rakaat dan insafilah dengan sebenar-sebenarnya keterlibatan dan kegelojohan kita terhadap wang dan harta itu, kemudian memperbanyakkan sedeqah dari semasa ke semasa. Selanjutnya panjatkan harapan setingginya kepada Allah untuk menerima taubat kita.
Taubat boleh dibuat dgn menunaikan solat taubat sebanyak 2 rakaat dan insafilah dengan sebenar-sebenarnya keterlibatan dan kegelojohan kita terhadap wang dan harta itu, kemudian memperbanyakkan sedeqah dari semasa ke semasa. Selanjutnya panjatkan harapan setingginya kepada Allah untuk menerima taubat kita.
Zaharuddin Abd Rahman
13 Rabi'ul Awal 1431 H
27 Feb 2010
SILA BACA ARTIKEL INI JUGA ; Hukum MLM : Halal dan Haram
Pada 2 Mac 2010 yang lalu, saya ada berbalas email dengan jutawan internet, Sdr Irfan Khairi berkenaan satu urusan bisnes. Terlanjur beliau menghantar email kepada saya, saya mengambil kesempatan untuk meminta pandangan beliau berkenaan Infinity Downline khususnya dari sudut kewibawaan bisnes dan kebolehpercayaan.
Berikut adalah jawapan beliau melalui emailnya kepada saya. Itulah jawapan pakar jualan melalui internet yang sering dijadikan rujukan dalam hal pemasaran internet. Kesimpulan, beliau bersetuju dengan saya bahawa Infinity Downline adalah SKIM CEPAT KAYA.
Harap jangan pula ada yang akan menuding jari bahawa Irfan Khairi tidak mengetahui beza program, MLM, Affiliate dan Skim cepat kaya. Antara Jual barang sebenar dan jual kepala cepat kaya.
Zaharuddin Abd Rahman
From: <>
To: zaharuddin arahman
Sent: Wed, March 3, 2010 4:55:54 PM
Subject: Re: explaination from Irfan Khairi ;)
Assalamualaikum Ustaz,
great to hear from you.
Uzar, as for infinity downline you asked, i totally agree with your post. what i see from the founder company is that if im not wrong, they dont profit directly money wise from the system as the monies are rolled within downlines. however, the founder company benefits from collecting a huge database to do followup sales of other products. Probably using an autoresponder there ;)
The business model for the founder company is to increase their mailing list, and in online business, the bigger list u have, the more you can profit from selling other products.
I do get questions from others about infinity downline, and my usual answer (also applies to other similar programs) is that, if it smells like skim cepat kaya, then, it is a skim cepat kaya ;) and i would say that too for infinity downline.
the thing is, most people (malay's unfortunately) before joining, mereka dah rasa ragu2 dah dari segi scam and also halal/haram issue.. but some how they do it anyway because of the "want to be cepat kaya urge". which is sad too for me as i always teach it takes time, effort and ilmu to be successful in business.
Best wishes to you and your family there.
-irfan khairi
HASIL dari artikel ini saya menerima satu email dari infinity downline expert di malysia iaitu Celya Tay, berikut adalah soalan Celya mewakili Infinity Downline dan juga jawapan saya. MESTI baca untuk lebih jelas berkenaan isu ini.
I have received an email from one of the leader of Infinity Downline. In this entry, I would like to share my short reply to her email. Even though it is short and unable to cover lot of issues which need to be clarified i.e Shariah related issues, I am still hoping that it could give some additional benefit to the's readers.
From: Celya < >
Sent: Thu, March 11, 2010 5:01:07 PM
Subject: Questions on Islamic Perspective
Greetings Ustaz Zaharuddin,
I was just reading your article on facebook entitled "Web saya tutup perik nasi orang". I found it really informative.
I hope you don't mind, but i sincerely want to understand the Syariah law as i have Muslim customers and it is important to me that they feel comfortable, and that i am being fair.
Would you please consider answering some of my questions? In your article you stated that you would entertain intelligent debate and while i am not here to debate, i am certainly interested in intelligent clarification and understanding from a factual perspective.
Referring to the below..
"Hukum asal seluruh urusniaga perniagaan dalam apa jua bentuk adalah harus kecuali ada dalil yang membuktikannya haram.
Apabila telah wujud dalil menunjukkan ia haram serta tiada hujjah balasan konkrit untuk menafikannya, sesuatu urusniaga itu paling pun akan bertukar menjadi syubhat, jika tidak menjadi haram.
Islam mengajar kita agar menjauhi syubhat sebagaimana yang disebut Umar Al-Khattab tadi walaupun terpaksa mengorban 9/10 cara niaga yang mungkin halal."
FIRSTLY, In the case of Infinity Downline, is this why you referred to the lack of a clear company identity as being ONE factor for it to be labelled as haram? Because Muslims cannot be sure who is behind the scene and therefore there cannot be conviction that it is "safe"?
I receive emails from the company (Multiplex) and they also provide weekly LIVE training on a webinar where we interact with the president itself (the webinar link is The president isn't a CEO of a large corporation, but i think a small company, so it's not a multinational but it has of course gone international due to the power of the internet.)
This morning, we received a mail from Peter Wolfing himself as below (regarding when the library will be updated)
From: "Peter Wolfing" < >View contact details
To: "'Morgan TAy'" < >
I have not had time to add more. Just keeping up with the growth is taking all my time. There is way more than what is charged anyway but I will add some soon.
So Peter exists and we are in touch with him weekly at the training webinars, the company exists BUT the thing is that members need to OPT in to receive contact as he sends out emails only to those who allow the company to contact them (unlike many companies that just keep sending emails whether we want it or not). Also, because it is not a large corporation - it is unlikely to be cost effective to set up a branch in malaysia.
My question now is - is this still considered 'gharar' to the Muslim? Meaning uncertain? (please forgive me if my understanding is poor as i am not familiar with the Islamic terms and am only following what i am capable of understanding from reading your articles. please feel free to point out if i am wrong as the purpose of me writing this whole email is to learn)
Or would this just be a different form of business, and not actually one intended to deceive? From what Mr. Irfan Khairi explained to me as well, i understand that this business does not make itself VERY apparent on the website because it is collecting a database list of emails and it is following the style of many businesses online now that offer a free ebook or video BEFORE you even know who they are. After giving the free ebook/video, THEN they introduce themselves. Is this then 'gharar' and therefore also then not acceptable practice in Islam?
I ask because i teach internet marketing methods and collecting a list is one online marketing method. However, if being 'invisible' while collecting the list is causing it to have a 'haram' elements then of course, i must tell that to my Muslim students.
I would then truly appreciate your help on this.
I use certain ID products in the library to train my students. Certainly i have benefitted from it, but of course I understand english and internet marketing very well. From what i understand ID is haram because MOST people do not want the products. However, if people join my coaching program (and i already tell them upfront i provide coaching for internet business BEFORE they sign up), and i direct them to listen to the specified products as well as provide my own training materials as part of my program for them, would they still be guilty of 'haram' as i am still using ID as my platform?
Again, i would so appreciate your help on this as i am not sure anymore if i should advertise my services to Muslims given that I will still be using the ID system for a while as it is the perfect live 'case study' for my students. (When they can start earning an income from implementing the methods i teach, then it is a good indication for me and them that they have benefitted from my program for them.)
The monthly fee is for the online system they get and not the same old products that yes, logically should only be paid for once. I too would be silly to pay for the same products every month. I pay monthly as i want the online system and viability of online storage of all the files i use for my program being easily downloadable from anywhere. I have a student in Sabah and one in Terengganu and having the files online as well as online business system makes it easy for me to deal with faraway clients in terms of registration and payment. And i only pay RM100 a month so i am okay with that.
My question is, is this still Riba for my muslim clients? I collect RM100 but for coaching i give plus of course the fee of the online business facilities they get. Is this conceptually unacceptable in Islam because most of the other titles in the library will not be used?
Again, I could set up my own system and compile my own videos and audios, but it was so much cheaper and easier for me when i started coaching to just use the ID registration system plus business tools in it.
But now i am unsure if it is okay for my Muslim clients.
Ustaz, I find that your opinions on many other articles are valid and justified and so i am writing to gain clarification.
I realise that i of course have a different view of the programme being non-muslim, but at the end of the day, if i am to have Muslim clients then they must be comfortable and i certainly do not want to be labelled as culturally insensitive. Your article on ID raised many doubts and questions so i would like very much, instead of speculation - to just clarify with you given these facts about the program that are somewhat different from what you initially spoke about.
I look forward to your reply and thank you very much in advance.
Yours sincerely,
Celya Tay
Home Business Consultant
Hi Ms Celya,
Thanks for your email. I'll try to reply in a very simple manner as i really don't have much time to write long explanations.
Generally speaking, i do think that you have got most of my points from my article and response. By scrutinizing some of ID current website, it is realized that the team is currently trying to fix the problem by doubling the promotion of the products rather than the system. May be that way, the program might be appeared as the true selling products program. However, it is still not, at least from my perspective.
In response to your quires, my response will be as the following:-
1) Background of the company & Peter
It has been said that, Multiplex System is responsible of the ID program or scheme and it is regarded as the founder company and also the owner and provider of the products.
My question, what is the website for multiplex system company? Do you have any of the detail about the company such as management of the company, board of directors, audited financial report, license etc. the company is govern under which law and which country?
Is there any legal proof that multiplex system is responsible for any issues regarding ID program? Say that there is a problem with regard to the program i.e. the ID login system vanished, suspended, or the owner fleeing away, so is there any guarantee that multiplex company will always be there and take full responsibility on all the their customer's fund ? If not, where can the participant seek help to? It is not about the company only but also the regulation adn law which regulates them.
That is what i mean by 'gharar' (uncertainty elements which could tantamount to quarrel, argument and coercion). Forwarding Peter Wolfing's very short email is absolutely will prove nothing in that regard. It has to be noted thatBernard Mardoff is million times popular that Peter Wolfing but he is still running a scam business.
I understood that some of the home marketing or internet business need not to have a big premise to run the business. However it is different when it involves lot of people, and lot of people's money, moreover the company is offering and attracting consumers to the commission system which need to be monitored carefully to avoid fraud, cheating etc. The case is totally different from an internet seller or marketer who is selling real asset such as map etc to their clients. There is no commission system and he is the only one who sells and conducts the business. In addition, all the deals are from the type of one off deal. This is obviously not for the ID program.
2) Products
As i said and you have also quoted it in one of your website, yes, for those who join the program to benefit from the products in a genuine manner and concurrently take advantage of the commission system, it might be permissible (but still depend on other issues) but in reality, the otherwise happened. So in Islam, in order to determine the precise ruling, we will have to focus on the majority of the participants and how the company advertise itself. In many cases both of them are already portraying that their true intention of joining the program or scheme, is to benefit from the commissioning system which as a result will simultaneously evolve as a money game. However the minority might be exempted from the prohibition (but still depend on other issues as well). The same situation applied to the company in which is putting lot of their efforts in promoting the system rather than the products.
Have i seen the products?
Yes I have seen some of the videos and listened to some of the audios. I find it ok and acceptable but to a very small number of people. Therefore I have regarded such products as 'rubbish' although i have to admit that for some quarters they would perceive the products to have value and good information which they might need. However, as i told you, the majority views, and their behaviors and how they treat the products and promote the program will give us clues on how relevant is the product to them, and also whether or not they are 'rubbish'.
It is observed that campaigns and promotions which are made by many of ID participants (and also Login Facebook dapat RM 100) are not giving any attention to the products.
Another issue with regards to the products is that it is unclear whether the products are being sold or leased by monthly payment for access. Some tries to relate the monthly payment fee as a rental whereas other said that the prroduct is being sold. Anyhow, it is noted that many of the products can still be downloaded and saved into your PC. So which one? Is there anywhere this rule is being mentioned in the registration form etc.? All of these are gharar in Islamic point of view.
The regulations are unclear as to whether it is lease by monthly payment or being sold to the customer. If the fees payment are representing a lease payment, why in the world it can be saved and downloaded freely?.
Such unclear term related to the products also convinced me that actually the company has no serious attention on selling or promoting the products. For that reason also they are promoting the products in a bundle. If the products are really good and can be sold or leased and worth for money, the company will absolutely sell or lease them separately as it can bring more profit. However, i am sure that they have no confidence to sell the products and in fact, i am almost sure that most of the people WILL NOT PURCHASE OR LEASE the products if there is NO REVERSE TWO UP SYSTEM in place.
Without the true products, the system is a money game and fall under the category of riba from the Islamic viewpoint. If the products really have their own qualities and are marketable by itself, the commission should also be based on the price if each product and not by way of registration fee or whatever you wanted call it.
From Muslim jurist point of view when :
a) The products have no special qualities
b) The promotion is more toward head hunting and promoting the benefit of the system lot more than the explaination on the benefit of the products
c) Commission is based on the registration or monthly fees and not in accordance to each and every product which has been sold by the participants.
Such program or scheme will still be deemed as money game and Riba, furthermore it would also fall under that category of gambling as well.
As for non Muslim, it is up to them and their belief but for Muslim i am responsible to prevent such scheme, program or whatever you want to call it from spreading to our Muslim brothers and sisters.
In Islam, they are many rules in obtaining wealth; one of them is that you must not gain without putting an equal effort. In some circumstances, profit or gain must be associated to certain type of real business risk. This is to ensure wealth are being created and not transferred. One needs to comprehend this philosophy in order to understand the issue.
Actually i can say that i have plenty of other arguments but i am sorry, for my inability to response or clarify all of the contentious issues with regards to the program as the time is very limited and there is lot of other tasks which need to attend to, finally I hope that this email could clarify something if not everything.
SKL: elok la tinggalkan bende2 yg haram ni... tak usah la semua bende nak ikut logik akal.. bila ada ulama yg dah bersuara elok la kite dengar.. aku paham bende2 yg masyuk ni mmg susah kite nak tinggal.. tp yg haram tetap haram... :)
panjang gila entri ini..x kuasa aku nak baca haha
kene baca fakta2 ni :)
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